HometravelHappy International Women’s Day – A big shout out to Womanhood

Happy International Women’s Day – A big shout out to Womanhood

happy international women's day

A woman is a dreamer, a believer, a doer, and an achiever. Women are unstoppable, and with the evolving times, they have become a force to reckon with. Graceful women smile when distressed, get strength from troubles, and grow even stronger with hope. Feminism is not about making women strong, as women are already way stronger. It is about changing how the world recognizes that strength.

Theme- International Women’s day 2021

As the theme of International Women’s day, 2021 is, “Women in Leadership. Achieving an equal future in the COVID world”. Let us all celebrate the outstanding efforts and contributions of women worldwide in framing a strong and similar future while recovering from the pandemic.

Unique ways of Pouring some self-love on this International Women’s Day 2021


Celebrate Womanhood in your style by doing what you truly love and find peace in. Some such activities can be –

  1. Baking – If you love to cook, do it for yourself this time. Do your favorite job, bake your favorite dish and raise a toast to celebrate who you are.
  2. Art – If you are a creative person, spend some time with your long-lost painting hobby and pick up the brush to paint some colors to your Womanhood.
  3. Reading – Take a novel, create a proper ambiance and spend your day reading that. You can even spend some bugs booking a premium hotel room to chill and relax with your novel to enjoy a bit more alone.
  4. Photography – Wipe dust from your camera, which you might have brought from your first salary, to nurture your photography craze. Take beautiful pictures and recreate the olden days.
  5. Dining-out – Go out to a long-awaited café or restaurant and munch on your favorite food. Spend quality time giving yourself a treat and celebrate Womanhood.
  6. Gardening – If you are a plant lover, go out to some nursery or spend your day pampering your plants. Appreciate your collection, and thank you for keeping so much greenery and a positive environment around.
  7. Massage Therapy – A relaxing spa and massage therapy can make you feel relaxed, leaving all the troubles and worries that you take as a woman. We know that you have so many roles to play and so many responsibilities to take; keep today to have unique experiences.

Bottom Line

This International women’s day, let all women come together and give themselves a much-needed treat and appreciate who they are. After all, Self-love enhances self-worth and encourages one to fly higher in life.

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