HometravelFear of Travel for Competitive Exams During COVID-19

Fear of Travel for Competitive Exams During COVID-19

fear of travel for competitive exams during covid 19

The world is suffering from a global crisis. More than that, students are also adversely affected due to this pandemic. Their academic schedule is disturbed, they cannot attend in-person classes in their school or colleges. Also, they fear to travel and take the examinations which could lend them their dream jobs. After all, none can put their future at sake fearing a pandemic.

Fear of examination in the pandemic

There are various examinations such as UPSC, GPSC, NEET, IEEE, and JEE organized for the candidates looking for higher study and government jobs in engineering, management, medical and law courses. After the lockdown, now many entrance exams are taking place for applicants of various fields. Still, students fear that they might get infected with the virus or not while traveling to a different city or state. They are in a dilemma that they have to appear for an exam or sit at home to protect from COVID-19.

Relieve the fear

mental stress for exams

Feeling stressed for your entrance exam? This blog will reduce your stress and fear present in your mind. 

Yes, students are feeling stressed as they have to appear for the examination. But you can reduce it by taking care and precautions while traveling and appearing for the exam.

Safety measures taken by Examination Centres

The exam organizer has taken safety measures such as increasing the exam centers and reducing students in one classroom to ensure that coronavirus disease doesn’t create any problem for the applicants, supervisor, and organizer.

teacher using thermometer temperature screening student
Teacher using thermometer for screening students

Here are the safety measures are taken for all the applicants:

  • The number of exam centers has been increased from 2,546 to 3,843. Apart from that, the number of candidates has been decreased to half of the original numbers, i.e., 24 to 12.
  • At the time of entry, the applicants have also been given guidelines on do’s and don’ts for proper social distancing.
  • All the applicants have been asked to come to the exam centers with masks and sanitizers. Still, once they enter the exam center, the candidates will have to use the glosses given by the examination authority.

However, when you travel to another city or state for the entrance exam, you should follow the safety measure that will protect you from COVID-19.

Moreover, if you have to wait for a short time for your train or any transportation facility at the time of travel, you can stay in hotels such as MiStay, OYO, etc. They offer micro stay and mini stay facilities to their visitors, which means you can wait for short hours. They are following all safety measures and taking precautions to protect their customers also.

Bottom Line

So, I must say, the information mentioned above will indeed release your fear of traveling and entrance examination. Don’t take the stress and prepare for your examination!!!!

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