HometravelGreat Tips and Advice for A Solo Traveler

Great Tips and Advice for A Solo Traveler

great tips and advice for a solo traveler

Traveling is an essential part of our life; being a solo traveler help us groom our personality and boost our confidence. One can be a solo traveler for multiple reasons: studies, work, personal commitments, or vacations. Being a solo traveler is fun as it lets one explore new places and meet new people.

Traveling as a solo traveler gives you the privacy and freedom to do things you want without hesitation. On the other hand, you also need to be extra cautious of both yourself and your belongings.

In this blog, we will be giving some of the useful tips and advice for a solo traveler that he/she can abide by while on a solo trip.


If you are a solo traveler, here are a few things that you must keep in mind both before your trip and during your stay.

  • Do homework beforehand – Check everything from your hotel to places that you may need to visit, transportation modes, timings, etc., to avoid getting lost to being a solo traveler.
  • Carry Identity cards – Always carry multiple identification documents and store them in different places. The same goes for keeping your money and other important documents.
  • Inform your known ones – Inform your family member or a friend about your complete itinerary. Keep in touch with them regularly to update them on your activities.
  • Do not travel to isolated spots – Being a solo traveler stay in the public eye whenever possible. This includes choosing public transportation and staying in a hotel located within a busy neighborhood.
  • Be confident and use navigation – Radiate confidence all the time. Act with conviction to avoid being the center of unwanted attention. Even if you forget your directions at any point, do not panic. Always keep navigation on.
  • Keep enough cash – At busy tourist spots, ATMs generally go out of money soon, and networks are also poor to make online payments. Better keep some cash with you for emergency purposes.
  • Charge your phones – Always keep your mobile phones and power banks charged so that you can contact the nearby emergency helpline and services in need.


While being a solo traveler, there are some things one must never do. Here is a list of things to avoid such things under any circumstances while traveling –

  • Do not wear uncomfortable clothing – Do not wear too uncomfortable clothes that make it difficult for you to walk. Keep in mind that you are a solo traveler, and you need to be easy to handle your stuff well and travel with confidence.
  • Do not trust strangers – If you have lost your way, do not ask for help from any stranger. You do not know that person’s intentions. Try looking for directions on your phone or directions at public places. Use google navigation tools and maps to head towards your destination.
  • Do not share your confidential details with anyone – Do not share any details about yourself with a stranger. Anyone can take advantage of it and try to scam you, so stay anonymous with people you do not know.
  • Avoid staying out late – Avoid staying out during the nighttime. Being a solo traveler, it is always smart to schedule all the appointments and errands during the daytime only.
  • Do not visit only and isolated places – Do not visit places that are not on your itinerary. Avoid sightseeing or tourist spots as such places can have potential scammers and thieves.

COVID precautions for a solo traveler:


During this time of the pandemic, a solo traveler needs to be extra cautious. Here are some of our precautions that you must take traveling during the spread of COVID-19.

  • Avoid crowded places at all costs.
  • Wear a good quality mask that covers your nose and mouth properly.
  • Wear a pair of gloves to avoid bodily contact with any contaminated surfaces.
  • Carry your disinfecting spray and hand sanitizer to use in your hotel room.
  • Do not consume water or food from an open street vendor before sanitizing it well.


We hope you keep all these tips in mind the next time you are on a trip as a solo traveler. Have a safe journey!

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