Need Time Alone? Find It At A Place You May Have Overlooked

Let’s start with something simpler – how can you tell you need time alone? It’s normal to experience behavioural patterns that all point in the direction of you needing some “me-time” every now and then. But sometimes, people lack the self-awareness to realise that they do. If you’re wondering whether you fall into that category, there are some symptoms you can watch out for and flag off before you start feeling overwhelmed.
If you’re irritable, lacking focus, experiencing social anxiety, have lost interest in group outings, and feel overstimulated or angsty with social media, it might be that all you need is to just step away from your surroundings for some time and be by yourself.
But this in itself poses an entirely different problem!
If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you live in India. Our country is known for a lot of great things (Taj Mahal, thank you very much), but privacy is definitely not anywhere close to the list. You see, we come from a culture of seemingly endless, closely-knit joint families staying in mohallas and being all up in each other’s business. Privacy has had no room in our households for generations. And the concept of alone time? Go and try asking your Dadi what THAT means. If she relates to it, we’ll happily give you a 3-hour booking free of cost (just kidding).

But on a more serious note, it’s normal to find yourself needing time alone. Especially as the world has moved on to a faster pace than most of us can handle, crowds and noise have increased, there’s lesser nature and clean air around us, and stress levels are much higher than in previous decades.
Time alone allows you to process events in your life, helps you know yourself better, boosts creativity, and refuels your social energy.
The impact reading a book, creating some art, watching Netflix, listening to music, or meditating – all by yourself – can have on you is so often underrated! It can prepare you to deal with the real world A LOT better.
Sounds great, doesn’t it? But where do we find time alone?
The most straightforward solution would be to move out and rent your own house. But that’s not always practical, is expensive, and seems like too high a price to pay for someone who treasures daily facetime with their family (which to be fair is most of us!). It’s also not advisable for someone who’s grown up in a joint family, as it might add to their anxiety since they’re not used to being alone often.
The other route is to book a conventional hotel room. Great solution, but there’s a major problem with this too – most hotels only give out rooms for 24 hours. The act of fitting in 24 hours on a frequent basis, not to mention at a heavy cost (rooms often cost between 3k-8k easily) just isn’t practical. Most times we just need a few hours alone, not an entire day!

The solution most of us opt for comes as close to alone time as possible – going for walks/runs, exercising at the gym, sitting by the seaside, heading to cafes/restaurants by ourselves – stuff like that. But that’s not really time alone, is it? You’re by yourself, but you’re not alone because these are public places. If you want to let out a scream or cry (yes, there’s no shame in admitting that we all feel that way sometimes), you can’t. If you want to start singing a song loudly, you can’t. If you want to start grooving or dancing to music, you can’t. But you should be able to. These are very cathartic experiences to have, and leave you feeling much lighter.
So where’s the solution?
Fortunately, because we’re actually in this business, we can confidently tell you that hourly hotels are the answer you’re looking for. They’re easy on the pocket, are convenient because you can check in and out whenever you choose to (at least with our hotels you can), and give you the true privacy you need to be alone. Because of the messaging of certain other, similar services (we don’t want to take any names here), people see hourly hotels as a place only unmarried couples can use for sex. They can be used for that, sure, but also for so much more!
Our hourly hotels are safe spaces you can use to get to know yourself better, and be whoever you feel comfortable being. These are rooms where you can let your guard down, and do what makes YOU happy.
If time alone is what you want, then time alone is what you’ll get. No matter which hour of the day.
And if you want to use it for sex, there’s no problem with that either. 😉