Homehotels for unmarried coupleWhy Covid-19 Makes Celebrating Valentine’s Day All The More Important

Why Covid-19 Makes Celebrating Valentine’s Day All The More Important

why-covid-19-makes-celebrating valentine day all the more important

V-day has never been an easy occasion to begin with. No matter what phase of life you’re in, the pressure and expectation of this day always finds you. If you’re single, it’s on you to find someone to spend this day with. If you’re dating, you gotta find ways to make it special. If you’re married or engaged, it’s about getting creative with it and doing something you haven’t done before.

In short, stress level = MAX! 🤯

And if this in itself wasn’t nerve-wracking enough, life’s thrown Covid-19 into the mix as well. Now it’s tougher finding dates, there are far fewer possibilities to explore even if you have one, and everything’s been made several times harder. Almost makes you want to skip the occasion altogether, doesn’t it?

We feel you. But here’s why you absolutely shouldn’t.

Celebrating V-day has never been harder. But it’s also never been more important.

Woman holding a medical face mask

It’s about to be Year #3 of the pandemic in reality. In our heads though, some of us are starting to forget what life before it was even like. The pandemic has taught us things that’ll always stay with us, but one of its most important lessons undoubtedly has been to enjoy the little things and simpler moments in life to the fullest.

Back in the day, a trip to Goa almost felt boring because of how frequently it happened. Now, on most days being able to leave the house and go for a walk in itself is a blessing. Where there was once a time when having friends drop by with a cake at the stroke of midnight was an absolute given, today we’re grateful to even get the chance to grab a short dinner with them on our birthdays before the restaurants shut shop by 10pm.

Life has changed irreversibly. People feel lonelier faster because their freedom is restricted. For those who want to show affection to their loved ones, it’s harder to be intimate unless they live with them. For the ones who do live together, they’ve seen too much of each other and haven’t had enough time and space for themselves. Acts of physical interaction and exploring new people & places are at the crux of human nature and connection; not only have these dropped down to zero for several weeks every few months, but on the flipside digital interactions are being overused for every aspect of our lives – work, personal, social – leading to increased frustration and monotony.

We need a change in scenery. If not physical, then at the very least psychological. And if that’s achieved by putting extra effort into an occasion that you otherwise wouldn’t celebrate or celebrate differently, so be it.

Celebrate Valentine’s Day not because it’s trendy or should be done, but because it’s a day to acknowledge and honour the presence of any kind of love you have in your life; whether that’s for a partner or for yourself. Do it because it will give you fresh and simple moments worth enjoying – a commodity that’s been in short supply during the pandemic. Do it because love is a part of life, and deserves to be celebrated every chance one gets. And who knows? Maybe you have a date worth remembering for the rest of your life (no thanks to Covid though).

Young couple in love on the beach

To further elevate the V-day experience, we at Brevistay help plan your day out and provide tips on how to make the most of it, in addition to the many couple-friendly, judgement-free hotels we have on offer on our website and app. We love love, and would love to make love happen for you. Hit us up on +91-8586877634  / support@brevistay.com to explore how.

Happy V-Day in advance!

With bucketloads of love,

Team Brevistay

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